Matt Hoffman

I am a research scientist at Google. Before that, I was a research scientist in the Creative Technologies Laboratory at Adobe. Before that, I was a postdoc working with Prof. Andrew Gelman in the Statistics Department at Columbia University. Before that, I did my Ph.D. at Princeton University in Computer Science working in the Sound Lab with Prof. Perry Cook and Prof. David Blei.

My main research focus is in probabilistic modeling and approximate inference algorithms. I have worked on various applications including music information retrieval, speech enhancement, topic modeling, learning to rank, computer vision, user interfaces, user behavior modeling, social network analysis, digital imaging, and astronomy. I'm a co-creator of the widely used statistical modeling package Stan, and have contributed to TensorFlow Probability.

I like working with graduate students. If you're a Ph.D. student interested in a research internship working with me in New York, please reach out by email.

You can contact me by email at matt [at] matthewdhoffman [dot] com.


Most of them can be found on my Google Scholar publications page.

curriculum vitae

You can download my CV (roughly current as of March 2022) by clicking on this link: CV.